Thursday 10 October 2019

This 'Stab for the slab culture' must stop.

I am in tears as I write this: with another knife crime reported in East London today, it is clear to me that this 'stab for the slab culture must stop. It is not only climate change, Brexit and financial issues that should be on the agenda for our politicians today. We need to look at our children now who are the future of the earth the future of this planet. Too many stabbings too many wrongs will never equal a right but we can together put it right. It is painful for a parent to bury their own child. It is painful for a child or an adult who can be someone we know or love to be taken away simply by the swift blow of a knife. Perhaps we need barcode trackers on knives to make sure they are not falling into the wrong hands. Perhaps we all need to love each other more and stop being angry at someone looking at us or making weird comments. We alive today were given the gift of life not for it to be taken away but to have the freedom to live life to the best of our abilities to the best of our imagination to grow in love and respect to grow in the power of being able to preserve life and endure in the power that self love can bring. It is time to educate our children to the fact that we are all the same we are all on one planet earth and we need to look after the earth and one another. We need to stop comparing ourselves to one another we neeed to eradicate the hierarchy that seeks to promote bad feeling because I have this and I want that gratification could be the reason that instant gratification is glorified but this is wrong. We must be happy with what We do have we must learn to be happy with what We have and be in the knowldege that we simply cannot have everything we want. We need life and life should be what we want. We cannot afford to keep losing lives young or old because of unnecessary weapons or futile arguments. How many more knife crime reports does there have to be for us to realise that we have a problem in this world over knife crime. Sit back after reading this article and ask yourself: do I really want to carry a knife and be at risk of losing my life or being responsible for the loss of life for another person and for what ? The only thing we should be carrying is love for ourselves and love for each other. Please put the knife down!!! Please put life UP and show love peace and harmony.

Thursday 22 May 2014

Economy - what Economy? Maybe they are just being Economical with the truth

Voting fever! Today the votes are being counted. And if the truth be told its only a matter of time before counting stops and we wait to see in the morning which party forms part of our local and national constituents. So did you cast your vote today? Has it caused conflict in your relationships with friends partners and family? What would you do if your other half voted for a party you had no favour for. Should who you or your partner vote for have any bearing on your relationship. What if you believe all parties are being economics with the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth? Would it have any bearing on whether you vote or not? With the economy being hot news in the media today do you actually feel that a party could actually change the economy or that it will take all citizens of the earth to bring about change? Do you have faith in yourself to change things. Do you feel voting actually gives you a VOICE? Can your voice be heard in terms of voting? Do you believe in a party to change things or yourself? What we really need is peace among all brothers and sisters on this earth. Some are rich some are poor. Yet the one thing we hold in common is that we are all human. Although some seem less human than others when it comes to politics. So let's all have our voices counted and shout as one. We can change the world to have world peace. To have an live in harmony amongst all people on this earth. There is differences among people and there is indifference among the top few. But there remains the human psyche common amongst all.

Friday 14 February 2014

Valentines bliss!

So it's that time of year again. Today I thought I would be hiding under the duvet eating chocolates......but instead I found myself learning to appreciate loving myself. So what if I don't have a man. It's also a day of appreciating the friends that you love and the things that you love. I walked into a supermarket today and for a dozen red roses it was £40. Far too expensive but then some companies are all in it for the money! Cashing in on lurve! Sometimes it's hard to have a valentines day with all the trimmings.  Especially with the economy as it is today. But let's not forget that love is stronger and more important than money. So if you're loved one didn't buy you a card today or a valentines present. Remember that the words: 'I love you' are priceless and when someone says 'I love you too'. It's also even more priceless. Love can not be measured in material things such as money. Love in fact cannot be measured. But to love someone and have them love you back is a great medicine for the heart. So too is self love. Wishing all my readers a very special and happy Valentines Day ❤

Monday 27 January 2014

It's GRAMMY time!

Now Is the season of our full content! Full content of brilliant music new artists and new musical talent. As a keen musician when I was younger, ( and I still am A keen musician) I was always inspired by music such as classical r n b and dance and pop. The music scene has changed now. With lots of musical competition shows such as The Voice and X Factor. However music as ll. cool j said can unleash you and inspire you so it's not all fun and games and competitions. I believe that music helped me to feel inspired and I too hope one day to win my own Grammy but in my own special sort of way. I love to write music and would especially love to write a duet for Ne-Yo and Mariah Carey. To name but a few. Above all it's the song in your heart when you feel so excited and happy that can really move you and show you how uplifting music can be. Music is not just about winning awards or making it on a competition show and I'm sure all keen musicians know that. Myself having played in an orchestra at the Royal Albert Hall three times I know the buzz and what it feels like to be performing in front of a live audience. My dream is to attend the Proms. And I would love to be part of that famous orchestra. Music whatever the genre is beauty to my ears. With new talent up and coming its clear to see that music is one language we all understand. And can show us the beauty of peace and harmony. One peace one love one language; Music.

Tuesday 31 December 2013

'Tis the season to be jolly......will 2014 bring you a lot of lolly? Fa la la la la la!

Greetings one and all for it is the season to be jolly. Wondering if 2014 will bring you a lot of lolly? Well as long as you play to your talents be inspired and keep motivated then its sure to bring you more than lolly. Now is a time for reflecting over the past year. The highs and the lows. The happy times and sad times. They say at Christmas you can make a Christmas wish. This year my wish is for world peace and no I'm not a beauty pageant contestant lol! Just someone who watches the news and reads the newspapers seeing unhappy times and unpleasant times for people. I hope that one day every one of us can live in peace and harmony together. In the words of John Lennon, you may think that I'm a dreamer. Well I'm sure I'm not the only one. But if we can imagine a world full of peace then the world would be a better place. And to achieve world peace each one of us needs to look inside ourselves and see how we can achieve social solidarity putting our differences aside. Not just for Christmas but for life. To see everyday that each person is unique in their own right and deserves equal respect and more importantly that we respect ourselves. So take a moment to think of those closest to you this year. Take a moment to think of the new things you would like to achieve and the new hope for world peace. More importantly to think about inner peace with oneself. I'd like to take this moment to wish all my readers a very happy prosperous and peaceful new year.

Thursday 24 October 2013

The robots are coming!

It is apparently so that new technological advances will soon mean that robots will be able to recognise and react to human emotions. They may be used in future to replace carers or soldiers on the battlefield. It then poses the question of ethical measures. Is it right to replace such people. Apparently on the battlefield they will be able to make the decision of who 'lives or dies' how can a robot make such decisions and will they make the ' right' decision. Is it then right to have a persons human rights violated by mere machine. And on the focus of carers or medicinal science; is it therefore ethical to actually replace such talented skilled People with immortal machine? This takes me back to childhood stories such as The Iron Man and films watched during childhood such as the Terminator, Robocop and The Vindicator. Cast your mind back to these films and stories and is seems somewhat scary that this type of robotic theme in the case of replacing humans could somehow become reality. The question is not how but now a case of when? Robots within these films and stories sometimes develop a mind ot their own. And in turn are destroyed by the immortal human. So the question of immortal and mortal poses another discussion an will be discussed in a future blog so keep your eyes peeled for red lady blogs. As a student of philosophy I am sure I will have much to talk about. So the robots are coming and may one date take over in terms of replacing soldiers and  medical personnel.  Life in itself is precious. What will happen if we or they allow this theme of robotic enhancement to human life. It also leads me to talk about the modern film I robot which turns convention on its head. You have to watch it to know what I am talking about. ( no spoilers here). It is time to look at the effect robots may have over human life. Surely the modern computer or mobile phone can help life. But man is not mere machine. Apparently we could be so reliant on these robots that the assimilation between humans and robots will be few and far between.
So reliant that they will control is. A bit like the current government then.
So do we have control over when these robots will begin to be part of our lives? I guess it's just a matter of watching this space.

Sunday 8 September 2013

Conspiracy Theory........Part One

Did you know that on September 11 2001 the fateful day of the twin towers collapse, that 11 celebrities escaped their fates.
The collapse took place on the 77th floor on one of the towers, 77th = 7/7 july bombings in London 4 years later.
The coincidence of numbers here consists not only of numerological science but that of possible pure coincidence.
How could it be that 'government' officials did not know about these attacks and yet were 'away from the attacks'.
Let it be known that natural disasters such as tornados do not care how much money you have or how much fortune or power you hold as if it wants to 'get you' it will get you.
Therefore when such attacks happen it is clear to see why there may be conspiracy when certain 'unexplained episodes' happen that are not 'natural disasters'.
If 'natural disasters' can be explained by 'science' then so too can certain attacks be explained by 'conspiracy theories'.
Looking at the latest news there just seems to conspiracy all over it.

What the world needs now is to join hands and have peace not monstrosities.

What the world needs now is love, sweet love.

Imagine all the people, joining hands joint in peace and love.

NB: this is just a blog of an idea..  In all intents and purposes it is not harboured to offend or harm.