Tuesday, 31 December 2013

'Tis the season to be jolly......will 2014 bring you a lot of lolly? Fa la la la la la!

Greetings one and all for it is the season to be jolly. Wondering if 2014 will bring you a lot of lolly? Well as long as you play to your talents be inspired and keep motivated then its sure to bring you more than lolly. Now is a time for reflecting over the past year. The highs and the lows. The happy times and sad times. They say at Christmas you can make a Christmas wish. This year my wish is for world peace and no I'm not a beauty pageant contestant lol! Just someone who watches the news and reads the newspapers seeing unhappy times and unpleasant times for people. I hope that one day every one of us can live in peace and harmony together. In the words of John Lennon, you may think that I'm a dreamer. Well I'm sure I'm not the only one. But if we can imagine a world full of peace then the world would be a better place. And to achieve world peace each one of us needs to look inside ourselves and see how we can achieve social solidarity putting our differences aside. Not just for Christmas but for life. To see everyday that each person is unique in their own right and deserves equal respect and more importantly that we respect ourselves. So take a moment to think of those closest to you this year. Take a moment to think of the new things you would like to achieve and the new hope for world peace. More importantly to think about inner peace with oneself. I'd like to take this moment to wish all my readers a very happy prosperous and peaceful new year.

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