It is apparently so that new technological advances will soon mean that robots will be able to recognise and react to human emotions. They may be used in future to replace carers or soldiers on the battlefield. It then poses the question of ethical measures. Is it right to replace such people. Apparently on the battlefield they will be able to make the decision of who 'lives or dies' how can a robot make such decisions and will they make the ' right' decision. Is it then right to have a persons human rights violated by mere machine. And on the focus of carers or medicinal science; is it therefore ethical to actually replace such talented skilled People with immortal machine? This takes me back to childhood stories such as The Iron Man and films watched during childhood such as the Terminator, Robocop and The Vindicator. Cast your mind back to these films and stories and is seems somewhat scary that this type of robotic theme in the case of replacing humans could somehow become reality. The question is not how but now a case of when? Robots within these films and stories sometimes develop a mind ot their own. And in turn are destroyed by the immortal human. So the question of immortal and mortal poses another discussion an will be discussed in a future blog so keep your eyes peeled for red lady blogs. As a student of philosophy I am sure I will have much to talk about. So the robots are coming and may one date take over in terms of replacing soldiers and medical personnel. Life in itself is precious. What will happen if we or they allow this theme of robotic enhancement to human life. It also leads me to talk about the modern film I robot which turns convention on its head. You have to watch it to know what I am talking about. ( no spoilers here). It is time to look at the effect robots may have over human life. Surely the modern computer or mobile phone can help life. But man is not mere machine. Apparently we could be so reliant on these robots that the assimilation between humans and robots will be few and far between.
So reliant that they will control is. A bit like the current government then.
So do we have control over when these robots will begin to be part of our lives? I guess it's just a matter of watching this space.
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