Thursday, 22 May 2014

Economy - what Economy? Maybe they are just being Economical with the truth

Voting fever! Today the votes are being counted. And if the truth be told its only a matter of time before counting stops and we wait to see in the morning which party forms part of our local and national constituents. So did you cast your vote today? Has it caused conflict in your relationships with friends partners and family? What would you do if your other half voted for a party you had no favour for. Should who you or your partner vote for have any bearing on your relationship. What if you believe all parties are being economics with the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth? Would it have any bearing on whether you vote or not? With the economy being hot news in the media today do you actually feel that a party could actually change the economy or that it will take all citizens of the earth to bring about change? Do you have faith in yourself to change things. Do you feel voting actually gives you a VOICE? Can your voice be heard in terms of voting? Do you believe in a party to change things or yourself? What we really need is peace among all brothers and sisters on this earth. Some are rich some are poor. Yet the one thing we hold in common is that we are all human. Although some seem less human than others when it comes to politics. So let's all have our voices counted and shout as one. We can change the world to have world peace. To have an live in harmony amongst all people on this earth. There is differences among people and there is indifference among the top few. But there remains the human psyche common amongst all.

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