Monday 17 June 2013

How to write the perfect novel

So writing a novel! Its not that easy as it seems. First lets discuss what you will need:
A large pot of coffee for those late late nights writing
A good laptop or ipad (as it is these days)
A paper and pen for drafting your novel
A good plot for your story
Lots of sweets and nibbles.

So, first of all you have to make a plot and make it a good one, next step is to plan your characters and don't do what I did by writing so much that you forget your characters names.  Its much better to read over what you've read so you can stay ahead of the game and remember who's who in your novel.
Be prepared for writer's block! If you get writer's block you can always take a break and read over your novel to see how to make it flow again.
You have to think of your audience and who will read or might read your book.  In case of a younger audience, it is best not to make your book full of swear words or something that might offend.  If in doubt, research it out!
I have recently wrote a novel and am waiting to get it published - well hey I might even post a transcript part of the book to see how you blogreaders out there like it and you can post me some feed back on your comments as I am welcome to all comments.  Thanks readers, enjoy your day!

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