Thursday, 10 October 2019

This 'Stab for the slab culture' must stop.

I am in tears as I write this: with another knife crime reported in East London today, it is clear to me that this 'stab for the slab culture must stop. It is not only climate change, Brexit and financial issues that should be on the agenda for our politicians today. We need to look at our children now who are the future of the earth the future of this planet. Too many stabbings too many wrongs will never equal a right but we can together put it right. It is painful for a parent to bury their own child. It is painful for a child or an adult who can be someone we know or love to be taken away simply by the swift blow of a knife. Perhaps we need barcode trackers on knives to make sure they are not falling into the wrong hands. Perhaps we all need to love each other more and stop being angry at someone looking at us or making weird comments. We alive today were given the gift of life not for it to be taken away but to have the freedom to live life to the best of our abilities to the best of our imagination to grow in love and respect to grow in the power of being able to preserve life and endure in the power that self love can bring. It is time to educate our children to the fact that we are all the same we are all on one planet earth and we need to look after the earth and one another. We need to stop comparing ourselves to one another we neeed to eradicate the hierarchy that seeks to promote bad feeling because I have this and I want that gratification could be the reason that instant gratification is glorified but this is wrong. We must be happy with what We do have we must learn to be happy with what We have and be in the knowldege that we simply cannot have everything we want. We need life and life should be what we want. We cannot afford to keep losing lives young or old because of unnecessary weapons or futile arguments. How many more knife crime reports does there have to be for us to realise that we have a problem in this world over knife crime. Sit back after reading this article and ask yourself: do I really want to carry a knife and be at risk of losing my life or being responsible for the loss of life for another person and for what ? The only thing we should be carrying is love for ourselves and love for each other. Please put the knife down!!! Please put life UP and show love peace and harmony.